FOX OKC: Scottish Rite For Children Celebrates 100 Years of Orthopedic Care

FOX OKC: Scottish Rite For Children Celebrates 100 Years of Orthopedic Care

Since 1921, Scottish Rite for Children has provided unparalleled care to children with orthopedic conditions, so they can have healthy and happy childhoods. Bob Walker and Dr. Daniel J. Sucato share details on how orthopedic issues can adversely affect children, explaining when to seek treatment, and highlighting the work that has been done over the last century to improve the lives of children.

Watch the full segment.

The O&P Edge: Scottish Rite for Children Celebrates 100 Years

The O&P Edge: Scottish Rite for Children Celebrates 100 Years

The hospital started in 1921 when polio was among the primary conditions that required orthopedic and orthotic treatment. The orthotic service continues to play a key role in supporting the orthopedic services. The organization is known for being a bright, child-friendly place that does not look, feel, or smell like a hospital. Across Scottish Rite’s three locations in North Texas, details are designed specifically for children. Over the last year, the hospital’s O&P department provided over 7,500 orthoses and prostheses.

Read the full article.

Community Impact: Scottish Rite for Children celebrates 100th anniversary in Dallas & Frisco

Community Impact: Scottish Rite for Children celebrates 100th anniversary in Dallas & Frisco

Scottish Rite for Children is celebrating a huge milestone as it marks its centennial year of giving children back their childhood. For a century, this remarkable institution has provided excellent care and introduced many innovative treatments in pediatric orthopedics to become a world leader in healing children’s muscles, joints and bones.

“For 100 years, Scottish Rite for Children’s mission has never wavered,” said Robert L. Walker, president and CEO. “Throughout the years, each staff member, volunteer, trustee, friend and donor has focused on how we can improve the lives of the children we serve locally and around the world.”

Read more on the Community Impact Newspaper website here

Dallas Morning News: Scottish Rite for Children celebrates a century of comprehensive orthopedic care for all

Dallas Morning News: Scottish Rite for Children celebrates a century of comprehensive orthopedic care for all

In honor of Scottish Rite for Children’s 100th anniversary, the world-renowned institution known for healing kids’ muscles, joints and bones is celebrating all its patients’ victories. For the past century, Scottish Rite has given more than 335,000 children back their childhood and the ability to follow their dreams. 

From scoliosis to sport-related injuries to prosthetic limbs and clubfoot, the one-of-a-kind organization pioneers innovations for pediatric orthopedics.

Two years ago, Austin came to Scottish Rite for Children for his prosthetic care after sustaining an injury that required a below-the-knee amputation. Read more to learn how Scottish Rite has helped Austin get back his boundless potential and defy expectations.

Dallas Morning News: Scottish Rite for Children offers premier scoliosis treatment for pediatric patients

Dallas Morning News: Scottish Rite for Children offers premier scoliosis treatment for pediatric patients

Scottish Rite for Children has dedicated the past 100 years to improving the care of children worldwide, offering premier scoliosis treatment for pediatric patients. 

An estimated 9 million school-age youth in the U.S. are affected by scoliosis. At Scottish Rite, researchers in the Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Center for Musculoskeletal Research are hard at work studying the causes of scoliosis. 

Read more about how Scottish Rite is changing the trajectory for a boundless childhood, with specialized expert care made specifically for growing kids.