In many practices, musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK US) is housed solely in radiology. At Scottish Rite for Children, we are fortunate to also have two practitioners with advanced training and certification in using this tool in clinic. Sports medicine physician Jacob C. Jones, M.D., RMSK, and rheumatology practitioner Heather Benham, D.N.P., APRN, CPNP-PC, RHMSUS, use ultrasound to diagnose and treat patients for a variety of conditions.
Together, Jones and Benham have developed a comprehensive course to teach health care professionals the fundamentals of MSK US. Their extensive ultrasound backgrounds and genuine interest in teaching have come together to produce an impactful experience for the attendees.
More than 70 participants from professions including orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine physicians, orthopedic and emergency medicine fellows, physical therapists, advanced practice providers and research personnel have completed the program. Traveling from more than 15 states and two countries, the attendees have all indicated they would be interested in returning for an advanced course and many have referred others to the program.
There are several elements that make this program one-of-a-kind.
- All faculty have expertise in the use of MSK US in pediatrics.
- Guest faculty are invited from institutions such as Boston Children’s Hospital, Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Texas Children’s Hospital.
- Pediatric models participate in the scanning sessions.
- Injection sessions integrate a variety of tools including custom-made joint models.
- Didactic and scanning sessions alternate throughout the day.
Jones and Benham look forward to developing an advanced course to offer in conjunction with the fundamentals course. Join our wait list to hear about it first!